Vision Egg
Vision Egg Citations
Citing the Vision Egg
Papers using the Vision Egg
Article in Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
Vision Egg Programmer’s Manual
Vision Egg Library Reference
Frequently Asked Questions
Mailing List
Help on the Wiki Software
I enter my desired framerate in the “What will your monitor refresh’s rate be (Hz)” field of the Vision Egg startup GUI, but I get a different refresh rate. Why?
I am unable to open a graphics window. I get the following exception: “pygame.error: Couldn’t find matching GLX visual”
How to start without the configuration GUI appearing?
I can not get the demos to work. The GUI Graphics configuration launches correctly when I try but when I click “ok” a new gray window opens for a few seconds and then closes. Can anyone help???
How do I turn off the configuration window?
I have set up my PC with a dual boot and have been gradually getting used to Linux. I would like to make the transition solely to Linux and the open source movement. However, I am running into one dependency problem after another and have tried RPM and tar.gz files. I even have a few experienced Linux users around and we still can not get all the dependencies installed.
How do I specify where on my screen the display should go? If I create a window, I know how to direct the graphics to a certain location within that window, but how do I set the position of the window itself?
When using certain stimuli, including the demo versions of the moving grating and put_pixels, I sometimes see an artifact that travels from the bottom of the window to the top. It usually looks like a slightly jagged line, and usually travels across the entire screen slowly to the top. I’m not sure if this is a programming issue or something that is specific to my monitor. It’s an LCD monitor running at 60Hz, and that’s what vision egg is set to use.
When I run a stand-alone VisionEgg windows executable created with py2exe, I get the error “IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘\OpenGL\version’
What are my anti-aliased points appearing as squares (instead of circles)?
Many more demos are included!
Download and Install
Stable release - 1.2.1
Download and Install/An Installation Overview
Download and Install/Install on IRIX
Download and Install/Install on Linux
Quickstart for Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04)
More general instructions
Download and Install/Install on MacOSX
Snow Leopard, OS X 10.6, VisionEgg1.2.1
Leopard, OSX 10.5.x, VisionEgg 1.2.x
Instructions for Tiger, 10.4
Abbreviated Instructions for Tiger, Python 2.5
Download and Install/Install on Windows
Instructions for Vision Egg 1.2.1
Alternate installers
Old Instructions for Vision Egg 1.1
Intro and Overview/About this wiki
Intro and Overview/Calibration
Intro and Overview/FrameRates
Intro and Overview/Platforms
Multiple stimulus demo
QuickTime demo
mouse_gabor_2d demo
mouse_gabor_perspective demo
other demos
Electrophysiology GUI
Starting the Vision Egg
Intro and Overview/Synchronization
Intro and Overview/Technologies
Mailing List
Eye Tracking
Code contributors:
Frontiers in Neuroscience commentary - 2009-10-05
talk at SciPy 09 (video available online) - 2009-08-20
talk and tutorial at CNS*2009 - 2009-07-22
Vision Egg 1.2.1 released - 2009-07-21
Vision Egg article in Frontiers in Neuroinformatics - 2008-10-08
BCPy2000, using the Vision Egg, released - 2008-10-01
Vision Egg 1.1.1 released - 2008-09-18
Vision Egg 1.1 released - 2008-06-07
Vision Egg 1.0 released - 2006-01-03 announced - 2005-04-08
Pylink (by SR Research) - Eye tracking in Python - 2004-02-25
Release 0.9.9 - 2003-09-19
Vision Egg
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